Dear Friends,

It has been nearly one year since the non-profit organization, The Store at Five Corners Stewardship Association, became the new owners of the Store!  We are reaching out to you at year-end with an update and a request for your support of our ongoing mission to preserve and enhance this historic building and community gathering place. We hope you’ll agree that sustaining this local asset and attraction is in everyone’s interest as we continue working together to make this area a thriving place to live, work, and visit. Many of you gave generously to help us purchase the Store—again, we sincerely thank you.

Immediately upon purchasing the Store in January 2022, the Stewardship Association began working with local contractors to undertake projects necessary to enhance the building’s structural integrity, comply with updated building and accessibility codes, and reduce energy utilization. These improvements have included eliminating damp conditions in the basement, constructing a new wheelchair ramp, replacing a large column along the front, and modernizing the heating/cooling system. We have successfully pursued grant funding and energy rebates for these projects all along the way.

As with many projects on older buildings, our work has uncovered conditions that have added considerable expense. In our role as long-term stewards of the building, we are committed to ensuring that all improvements will stand the test of time, not just make the building look attractive on the outside. To fulfill our mission, and to accomplish major projects in the upcoming years such as a total roof replacement and reconstruction of the back deck, substantial capital costs will be incurred for which we are seeking your support.

The Stewardship Association is playing a role similar to other community initiatives—some nearby in Vermont—to purchase a beloved country store and shoulder its ongoing major capital expenses, while leasing the building to an operator to run the business.This model enables us to sustain a long-treasured community asset while remaining separate from the Store’s day-to-day operations and expenses.

We hope you’ve visited the Store since it reopened in August under the leadership of experienced chef Corey Wentworth and tasted his delicious pastries, sandwiches and grab-and-go meals. Corey and his staff have created a welcoming destination that has already received a positive reception by the community, especially on bustling weekends!

As we look forward to the new year, your support in any amount will be greatly appreciated! Please go to for ways to donate. If you have questions or wish to discuss any aspect of the Stewardship Association’s work, please call me at 413-458-9862. I’m always happy to chat by phone or to meet you for coffee at the Store.


Karen Charbonneau, President

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